9 Craigslist Casual Encounters That May Cause You To Get “WTF”

Everyone knows exactly what the “relaxed Encounters” section on Craigslist includes – really, we think we know. Among all of the propositions for hookups are the certainly terrible, weird and insane. These everyday experiences are simply just unexplainable.

There is absolutely no question the net is home to some wackos, but these nine tend to be undoubtedly the wackiest.

1. Child Daddy

Baby Daddysex datingadvice.com/images/uploads/2014/07/craigslist1.jpg?width=502&height=146″ srcset=”https://www.datingadvice.com/images/uploads/2014/07/craigslist1.jpg?width=1004&height=292 2x” style=”display: block;” title=”Baby Daddy” width=”502″/>

Discovering she installed with a few guy on Craigslist and had gotten pregnant appears greatly predisposed to eliminate the woman husband.

2. Waffle Home

Waffle House

One particular interesting part is actually he wants concur that you are perhaps not the weirdo (and believes multiple ladies will reply).

3. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

This seems instead “dangerous.” It is probably a “bad” concept to meet with this particular “complete stranger (in Moscow).”

4. Hall & Oates

Hall & Oates

When you’ve actually envisioned this precise circumstance, do it. If not, this guy is the “interstate to the risk area.”

5. Marinara Sauce

Marinara Sauce

It should be better to save your self the marinara for your spaghetti and steer clear of getting back in this guy’s spa no matter what.

6. Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Only state di-NO for this request. Some blockbusters should-be kept to the big screen, and this is one of them.

7. Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee

It is not how to get your coffee each morning – it’s a good idea so that this person look after his or her own dental delight.

8. $one million

$1 Million

The only assurance this guy is sold with may be the feeling of pity and financial reduction that could follow this venture.

9. Guy Hunt

Man Hunt

In the event you should not wind up just like the washer and toothbrush, I would stay away from the lady.